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Hive - Busy Buzzy Fun!

Live the life of a Queen (or King!) Bee in one of the coziest styles yet! Everything connects and then gets a stylish exterior. Glory to the sweetest colony!

This is one of the first styles that was designed from the start to be completely interconnected. It is quite complex and takes an organized approach to make it work.


This Guide has been put together by one of our awesome players DarQuing and is always open to tweaking!

Have you heard the Buzz?

Every member of the hive is important....and so is every member of the colony!


Your Supply Camp, a home that grows

When you're about to start your colony, you'll be starting from a supply camp, there is no supply ship for a hive colony.

There are two choices for supply camp, however. You can start with a single cell supply camp, called the Bumblebee Hole, containing only a directive from the Queen and supplies for building your colony. There's also a ladder going down through the supply camp so you can attach it wherever you want.


The Hornets Nest

There's also a larger supply camp, called the Hornet's Nest, made up of several cells stacked on top of each other. It includes hut blocks for suggested placement of those buildings, but you'll need to break them with an axe before you can start placing them.


The Town Hall

The town hall block is on the lowest level and in order to start building the town hall itself, you'll need to pick it up and place it down wherever you'd like it.


Expanding the walls

Once you're ready to place your first building, you'll want to make sure that walls and doorways overlap. Every building will share at least one wall or doorway with another building. Since each building will have at least two doorways, it's relatively easy to make sure colonists can move from one building to another. Some buildings are made up of two or more cells, which means you can position them in such a way that colonists can pass around to buildings that share a wall.


Let's go vertical!

When figuring out where to place your next building, don't forget you can stack buildings on top of each other. Some buildings are made of two or more cells stacked on top of each other, meaning colonists can use those buildings to move from one level to the next. You'll probably want to make sure the miner is on the lowest or second lowest level so they don't accidentally dig into the other buildings on that level.


Use the Decor for Planning

There are several decorations that can help colonists move around the colony. Curving roads and intersections allow colonists to move between buildings that are next to each other without passing through another building (like someone's house).


Stairs are your friend!

There are also stairways that can be stacked together, allowing colonists another way to move between levels of the colony.


Finish it off

There are also some other decorations that just make things look nice, like cell caps for the top and bottom of the cells of you no longer want to stack with.


Wiggle that Butt(ress)

If you have a cell hanging over a cliff and you know you don't want to build off the bottom of it, you can set down a buttress to brace that cell.


Trees, trees and more trees!

Some colonists will need extra space to work from. You'll want two or more foresters for all the wood types used in the Hive schematic, fortunately there's a tree farm you can use that's pretty large


Colonists love to eat!

Farmers have two kinds of fields you can put down for them, a single cell field or a larger four cell field.


Make it your own

There's lots of other decorations to play with, but I'll let you check those out on your own. There's lots of ways to build your Hive colony, Have fun, and GLORY TO THE COLONY!

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