Cavern - MegaHalls
Designed by LadyShatana
Within the Cavern Style, there are special builds called MegaHalls. These are caverns built to include several huts that "belong" together.
They are placed with the Builders Wand in the Decorations/cavernmegahall menu in the same way you would normally place a Hall/Corridor. They will encompass the space taken up by a Hall plus the huts.
As more Halls are prepared, there may be variations of the materials required. For example, the Herder and Farmer Halls now offer Stone, Beigestone and Sandstone versions.
Note that there may be other large builds that use the same "footprint" as a MegaHall, notably the Alternative TownHall. They will be in the Alternative menu, but the basic placement directions will be the same as the ones detailed in this page.
How to Use a MegaHall
These are great, once you know what to do with them! Currently the Herder and Farming Halls area in the style pack, and each has 3 versions of the main hall (Stone, Sandstone and Beigestone) to choose from.
Basic MegaHall Placement
Looking out from an Intersection, a MegaHall will be placed the same as a regular Hall. Match the entryway up, either overlapping 1 block or butting up; the same as you have done with every other connection.
As with other large caverns, it is suggested to clear out the edges and through the center yourself. In this case because the main Hall is a decor item, you can place it to get the builder started, then preview it again in the same spot to help :)
Alternatively if you have a Hall in place with no huts in it, you can build this one overtop...just line up the doors!
The Base Hall - Yes, it's BIG!
As you get going on the Hall you will see that the initial build is MUCH bigger than a single hut. That is because it is at least 4 huts combined! When you take that into account the materials needed are perfectly reasonable :)
The huts themselves will only contain the 'extra' interior type items, as the framework has already been built. So everything after the Hall is in place will be much, much easier!
Adding the Huts
The Base Halls will have signage and some guides for putting the huts in place. You will note that the huts themselves will require less materials overall because much of the structure already exists.
Have the hut you will be placing in your inventory and use the Builder wand to select that hut. Choose the CavernMegaHall style (instead of Cavern or CavernAlternative) which will show the correct hut style to put in the spot.
Follow the sign guides! In the screenshot here you can see the Cowboy hut being placed in the same spot as the instructional sign, with the guide fences in the corners also lined up. As long as you follow these, your huts should place correctly! You only need to be this careful during initial Level 1 placement.
The Big Picture
In this screenshot you can see "Inside the Mountain" to compare sizes. On the left is a standard Hall with 2 large huts in place. On the right is the MegaHall. Just in case anyone was wondering!
MegaHalls Available
What can I build with MegaHalls?
MegaHall TownHall Entrance
This brand new way of starting your colony makes the first steps into underground living easier! Be sure to watch the video in the Guides linked under the Cavern Section for a great walkthrough.
Included Huts:
Town Hall
Builders Hut
Citizens Hut
MegaHall Scholars
Included huts:
MegaHall Tasty
Included huts:
MegaHall Herder
Included huts:
Chicken Herder
Swine Herder
MegaHall Farming
Included Huts:
MegaHall Scorched
Included huts:
MegaHall Mystic
Included huts:
Enchanter Tower
MegaHall Military
Included huts:
Combat Academy
Archer Academy
MegaHall Forestry
Included huts:
Rabbit Hutch
MegaHall Geology
Included huts:
Concrete Mixer